Bach Bibliography
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Author : Cressy, Thomas
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TypeListAuthorTitle [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Cressy, Thomas19-seiki no Nihon ni okeru Bach Juyoshi: Shinbun Kiji to Mikensho Shiryo kara no Saiko. [Bach reception in the 19th-century Japan: reconsideration based on newspaper articles and hitherto unexamined sources] MA diss., The Tokyo National University of the Arts, 2017. 123p text, 70p supplements, 2p abstract. diss. 2017 123, 70, 2p
2. Cressy, ThomasBach and the samurai aesthetic framework: the implications of the writings of Utagawa Yoan and Kume Kunitake. A paper presented at the 'Young Scholars' Forum' at the Eighth J. S. Bach Dialogue Meeting at Madingley Hall, Cambridge, 10-15 July 2017. [p]BNUK_Cambridge Jul 2017
3. Cressy, ThomasBahha: Bach and Japan. A paper presented at the dialogue session 'Young Scholars' Forum' at the Seventh J. S. Bach Dialogue Meeting at Madingley Hall, Cambridge, 8-10 July 2015. [p]BNUK_Cambridge Jul 2015
4. Cressy, ThomasThe Case of Bach and Japan: Some Concepts and their Possible Significance. Young Scholars' Forum. UnderstandingBach 11 2016 140-146
5. Cressy, ThomasThe Reception and Dissemination of Bach's Music in Meiji-Era Japan: Repertoire, Social Agency, and Westernization. A paper read at the 20th Congress of the International Musicological Society, Tokyo 2017 [19-23 March 2017]. Session 'Music Pioneers in Modern Japan' [p]IMS_Tokyo Mar 2017

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